$6M Motorcycle Accident
$6 Million Settlement Motorcyclist was cut off by a SUV. Serious injuries were caused and future care was required. Liability heavily disputed. We were able to show fault and get a large settlement for our client.
$1.5M Auto Accident
$1.5M Settlement Inattentive driver hit retired couple’s vehicle. Wife suffered serious injuries. Multiple insurance carriers involved. Sargon Law Group secured maximum policy limit settlements.
$1M Pedestrian Accident
$1 Million Settlement Pedestrian along a roadway was struck by a careless driver. The insurance company blamed the victim. Sargon Law Group was hired, secured expert opinions and won a policy limit settlement prior to taking the case to court.
$1M Drunk Driver
$1 Million Settlement Intoxicated motorist killed a woman on an electric scooter. Sargon Law Group fought for the family and won a maximum policy limit settlement.
$1M Premises Liability
$1 Million Settlement This case arises from a premise liability accident. Client was at work and fell from the fence. Client sustained numerous injuries. Liability was heavily contested. We fought to obtain policy limits of $1 million.
$1M Car Accident
$1M Settlement Commercial truck failed to avoid vehicle at intersection. The car was totaled. Injured passenger required emergency surgery. Insurance denied coverage. Sargon Law Group fought back and secured a maximum policy limit settlement for the client.
$700K Scooter Accident
$700K Settlement Family lost their daughter in a scooter accident. They heard about, read the five star reviews and hired Sargon Law Group. The team at Sargon Law Group got to work and helped the family obtain the maximum available recovery
$650K Car Accident
$650K Settlement Passenger sustained serious injury from a left-turn impact. Sargon Law Group won maximum policy limits for our client.
$625K Wrongful Death
$625K Settlement Apartment complex failed to provide air conditioning in the heat of the summer. Father died from heat stroke. The apartment management blamed the family.
$600K Auto Accident
$600K Settlement Driver was hit on the freeway and suffered serious back and neck injuries. We recovered full policy limits from the insurance companies for our client.
$500K Dog Bite
$500K Settlement Woman invited to home was attacked by the owners’ dogs. Emergency medical care was required to address scarring, infection and injuries. Sargon Law Group secured maximum policy limits for the client before litigation.
$500K Auto Accident
$500K Settlement Vehicle t-boned by reckless driver. Passenger sustained injuries requiring surgery. Sargon Law Group reduced the medical bills and secured a maximum policy limit settlement.
$415K Unsafe Convenience Store
$415K Settlement Woman walked into a convenience store and suffered injuries from unsafe conditions. Multiple violations of statutes, ADA and local codes applied. Sargon Law Group established key evidence with experts and won a settlement for our client.
$400K Medical Malpractice
$400K Settlement Woman sustained injury from a reckless medical provider. The medical provider disputed responsibility. Sargon Law Group took the provider to court and won a settlement for the woman and her family.
$400K Wheelchair Lift
$400K Settlement Woman in wheelchair was dropped from a wheelchair lift. The transport van operator failed to secure the lift before moving it. Woman sustained multiple injuries requiring emergency care. Sargon Law Group litigated the matter, proved fault of the operator, and secured a significant settlement for the client.
$400K Bicycle Accident
$400K Settlement Commercial truck hit bicyclist on roadway. Company denied liability. Sargon Law Group secured records, reports, photographs and video of the scene. The evidence showed that the commercial truck was at fault. The insurance company then reached an early settlement. Sargon Law Group’s client was paid quickly without the need for litigation.
$360K Commercial Truck Accident
$360K Settlement Semi truck collided with multiple vehicles on the freeway. Many claims presented. Sargon Law Group was hired and helped one of the impacted families get all that they deserved.
$350K Workplace Injury
$350K Settlement Worker sustained injury while using a bobcat on a construction site. Responsible carrier denied the claim. Sargon Law Group secured experts and the necessary evidence to recover the maximum available.
$350K Auto Accident
$350K Settlement Vehicle side-swiped on highway. Passenger suffered serious back injuries. Insurance companies fought liability and damages. We obtained full policy limit settlements.
$350K Wrongful Death
$350K Settlement Hit and run accident took the life of a child. The insurance companies were fighting over coverage. Sargon Law Group fought and secured the maximum policy limits for the family.
$345K Motor Vehicle Accident
$350K Settlement Married couple traveling with right-of-way was hit by a semi-truck. Each had serious injuries and required emergency care. Insurance company for the semi-truck fought every step of the way. Sargon Law Group forced insurance to settle before litigation.
$325K Unsafe Walkway
$325K Settlement Woman in big box store suffered injuries from a fall caused by unsafe looped plastic straps hanging from boxes in the customer walkway. Big box store did not want to pay, denied liability and blamed the injured party. Sargon Law Group established key evidence and won a settlement prior to litigation.
$300K Wrongful Shooting
$300K Settlement Victim shot while in a friend’s home. Dispute as to who fired the bullet. Sargon Law Group engaged with the police department and secured the maximum available recovery.
$300K Pool Drowning
$300K Settlement Child visiting a friend got into an unsecured pool and drowned. The insurance company hired attorneys to defend. Sargon Law Group fought and won the maximum available recovery for the family.
$260K Auto Accident
$260K Settlement Driver cut off by left hand turner sustained back and neck injuries. Insurance company made a low settlement offer to client. But we were able to obtain full policy limit settlements.
$250K Rear End Accident
$250K Settlement Driver stopped for traffic suffered rear end accident from distracted driver. Vehicle totaled. Missed time from work. Required medical care. Tried to resolve with rude and unresponsive insurance company. Hired Sargon Law Group who quickly won a maximum settlement and got the client paid.
$250K Ride-Share Assault
$250K Settlement Young woman assaulted by ride-share driver. She called the police and reported it to the company. Neither helped. Then she called Sargon Law Group. We fought for her, filed suit and obtained a settlement before discovery even started.
$250K Auto Accident
$250K Settlement Passenger was hit by an oncoming vehicle and sustained serious injuries. Liability was disputed. Our attorneys worked to show fault of the responsible driver. The insurance company paid policy limits.
$235K Motor Vehicle Accident
$235K Settlement Pregnant driver rear-ended on freeway. Her car caught fire. She experienced significant injuries and fears for herself and unborn child. Sargon Law Group secured a pre-trial settlement.
$225K Auto Accident
$225k Settlement Driver was rear-ended and caused significant back and neck injuries. Insurance company gave client the run around.
$200K Pedestrian Accident
$200K Settlement Man walking to car is struck by distracted driver. Insurance company blamed the victim. He hired Sargon Law Group and we won maximum policy limit settlements for him and his family.
$150K Motorcycle Accident
$150K Settlement Motorcyclist sustained serious injury from an accident with a vehicle pulling out of a parking lot. The responsible driver blamed the motorcyclist. Sargon Law Group fought and won maximum policy limits for our client.
$150K Taxi Accident
$150K Settlement Taxi passenger sustained back injury from an accident caused by the negligent cab driver. Sargon Law Group fought and recovered the maximum available for our client.
$150K Private Drive Accident
$150K Settlement Driver heading straight on roadway was hit by vehicle exiting a private drive. Other driver failed to yield the right-of-way. Sargon Law Group secured a maximum policy limit settlement for the client.
$125K Red Light Accident
$125K Settlement Driver struck by red light runner. Serious injuries, damages and wage loss. Sargon Law Group hired and secured quick maximum policy limit settlement for the client.
$125K Unsafe Lane Change
$125K Settlement Driver struck by vehicle on highway making an unsafe lane change. Vehicle was totaled. Significant disruption to life and work. Sargon Law Group won maximum policy limit settlement for the client before litigation.
$125K Hit and Run
$125K Settlement Passenger sustained injury from side impact on freeway. Hit and run accident. Called Sargon Law Group to help. Sargon Law Group won a maximum settlement for the client.