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As one of the largest states, Arizona plays a vital role in logistics and the trucking industry as a whole. Unfortunately, because of its importance, the state can also experience its fair share of trucking accidents. In fact, nearly 6% of motor vehicle accidents in Arizona involve trucks. Accidents like that require the expertise of a Phoenix truck accident attorney like those found at Sargon Law Group.

While accident victims have a right to choose the attorney that works best for them, it is crucial to weigh the decision against other necessities in an accident case. We understand the essential traits for a Phoenix truck accident attorney and want to ensure future clients know the standards of selection as well.

1. Experience of a Phoenix Truck Accident Attorney

The primary concern when looking into any personal injury attorney is that they possess the appropriate knowledge. It is not enough to understand personal injury law; a truck accident attorney must have knowledge of the industry. Experience with auto injuries and the trucking industry ensure the Phoenix, AZ accident attorney is capable of competently arguing for your accident claim.

It is necessary to point out that a truck accident, while similar to a car accident, is not the same. A truck accident attorney should know the subtle differences between these scenarios.

2. Reputation of a Phoenix Truck Accident Attorney

Aside from experience and expertise, you want to delve into the reputation of a specific lawyer. You can find many associations that will provide insight into attorneys, including the American Bar Association.

Beyond reviewing association reports and suggestions, you can look at review boards and sites. These websites typically display client reviews, which can provide insight into attorney-client relations. However, take these reviews with a grain of salt, as many are skewed by people complaining of losses, which a lawyer cannot always control.

3. Resources of a Phoenix Truck Accident Attorney

A lawyer is often only as good as their resources. A single lawyer will have a more challenging time than one with a team of researchers and investigators. For the most part, we recommend that clients seek out truck accident attorneys associated with law firms because they typically have the most resources at their disposal.

4. Payment Structure of a Phoenix Truck Accident Attorney

Personal injury claims typically use a contingency arrangement, meaning that clients do not pay until there is a positive resolution to the lawsuit: a settlement or judgment. While some attorneys charge hourly or flat rates for personal injury cases, it is best to work with those who use standard payment structures.

Before hiring a personal injury lawyer in Phoenix, you want to make sure that they check off all the appropriate boxes: experience, reputation, resources, and payment structure. While it is not always easy to judge these attributes, a lot can be discerned through consultations and direct interviews.

Are you currently in need of a Phoenix Truck accident attorney? If so, do not hesitate to contact the professionals at Sargon Law Group. We offer an initial free consultation to ensure we are an appropriate fit for your claim. As an accident victim, you deserve only the best, and we believe that we offer it.
