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Bus Accident Liability in Arizona

Determining liability after a bus accident occurs in Arizona is not always easy. In fact, it is rarely easy. Accidents with larger buses typically result in a range of parties becoming involved, including a bus company, government entity, insurance carriers, and legal teams. Here, we want to review the process of determining liability after...
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What Are the Most Common Types of Injuries in Bus Accidents?

Buses help ensure significant amounts of passengers can get safely from place to place, but these vehicles are larger and weigh Much more than traditional passenger vehicles. Unfortunately, accidents involving buses and smaller vehicles often result in significant driver and passenger injuries. Here, we want to review some of the most common injuries associated...
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What to Do if Involved in a Bus Accident in Arizona

After a bus accident occurs in Arizona, those involved need to ensure their well-being immediately. Here, we want to review some of the steps that bus accident victims should try and take as quickly as possible after the incident occurs. Some of these points should be done as quickly as possible, preferably on the...
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What Are Passengers Entitled To After a Bus Wreck?

While a bus accident is not as common as other motor vehicle accidents, it can have catastrophic consequences for everyone involved. Arizona is an at-fault auto accident state, meaning victims of negligent drivers have the right to pursue compensation for their losses from the party responsible for the accident. The first step is identifying...
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