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If you or somebody you care about has been injured due to the negligent actions of another individual or entity, you will likely be able to recover compensation. Generally, insurance claims are resolved through settlements with insurance carriers. Sometimes, this is an auto insurance carrier. Other times, this means dealing with homeowners insurance carriers or some other type of property insurance carrier. Regardless of what type of insurance company you are dealing with, you need to know how to talk to the insurance claims adjusters.

Remain Polite and Calm

Even though you may still be angry after an injury occurs, it is important for you to remain calm and polite when speaking to any person who calls for information about the incident. This includes the insurance claims adjusters from the at-fault party’s insurance carrier. The truth is that kind words will go a lot farther, and you never know how involved the insurance claims adjuster will be when it comes to settling your case.

Get the Name of the Person Who Calls

Before you begin discussing anything about your injury claim, you need to get the name, telephone number, and business address of the individual you are speaking to. Make sure they identify which insurance company they are with as well as the individual or business the company represents (the other party in the claim).

Give Limited Information

You really only need to tell the insurance claims adjuster your full name, address, and telephone number. You can let them know what type of work you do and where you are employed. However, you do not need to discuss anything related to your personal schedule, work schedule, or your income.

Go Light on the Details About the Accident

Inevitably, an insurance claims adjuster will want to discuss the accident. We encourage you to go light on the details. We only want you to answer the most basic information about the incident. That includes where it happened, when it happened, the type of incident, and whether or not there were any eyewitnesses. You can tell the claims adjuster that your investigation into the accident is still ongoing and that you will discuss more facts at an appropriate time later. It is important to know that insurance claims adjusters typically call very soon after an incident occurs, likely before you have had time to gather all of your facts.

Do Not Discuss Your Injuries 

The insurance claims adjuster will ask about whether you sustained any injuries as well as the nature and extent of the injuries. Again, you may not know the full consequences of the incident and the injuries. For example, if you have sustained an injury and have to undergo follow-up treatment, you do not yet know how severe the injury is or how long you will have to receive medical care. If you tell the insurance claims adjuster that you have only sustained a sprained wrist but later discover that you have injured your back as well, you will have already been on record as saying that you have a sprained arm only. Just let the insurance claims adjuster know that you are undergoing medical treatment for injuries sustained and that they will receive more information at a later date.

Say NO to a Recorded Statement

Under no circumstances do you have to give a recorded statement to the insurance claims adjuster. They may insist that you have to do so, but nowhere in Arizona law does it say that you have to do this. Politely decline, and if the claims adjuster insists, hang up the phone and call a lawyer

If you’ve been injured in an accident or due to another’s negligence, contact us today for a free consultation with a personal injury lawyer in Phoenix, AZ. We will do all of the talking to insurance companies for you, so you can focus on rest and recovery.