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Car accidents are traumatic events, both psychologically and physically. The damages and injuries sustained can force victims to grapple with financial hardship. Beyond potential financial strain, victims cope with mental and physical recoveries. Some injuries from collisions will never heal, resulting in permanent handicaps. A Phoenix car accident attorney can help recover compensation for these damages. 

The roads of Arizona typically see nearly 100,000 auto accidents annually. Of those accidents, more than 40,000 people sustain injuries, and over 1,000 people die. The statistics speak to the need for legal representation. Whether pursuing a lawsuit for wrongful death or personal injury, your chances are better served with a personal injury attorney.  

However, the reasons to hire a car accident lawyer are more than the success of your claim. Attorneys who handle car accident claims have a lot to offer prospective clients. 

The Top 7 Reasons To Hire a Phoenix Car Accident Attorney

There are many reasons to hire a Phoenix car accident attorney.

Searching the pool of qualified personal injury attorneys in Phoenix can feel overwhelming, leaving you restless and possibly wondering why you even need an attorney. The decision whether to seek out professional legal help or argue your claim alone is yours. Still, there are many reasons to hire an attorney rather than risk a DIY trial or settlement negotiations. 

1. Experience of a Phoenix Car Accident Attorney

As a client, you want an attorney with experience, but it is important for it to be the right kind. Knowing the specifics of the claim matters. You want an attorney with specific knowledge and expertise in the type of case you have.

A car accident victim needs a personal injury attorney. The attorney should have a history of arguing similar claims to your own. For instance, if your injuries stem from an Uber or Lyft accident, look for a lawyer who argues rideshare accident claims.

In addition to knowledge of a specific type of accident, check out the attorney’s experience in handling personal injury claims. Look for lawyers who have settlement and trial victories. You need to know your attorney is capable of negotiations and trial argumentation. 

When approaching different attorneys for your case, ask about trial experience. A well-rounded attorney should be happy to discuss case results and their versatility. Attorneys with the appropriate experience will often state statistics or discuss their work history handling previous and similar claims. 

Even if your goal is to settle outside of court, a versatile attorney is your best advocate. Insurance companies fear the qualified trial attorney. A lawyer experienced with going to court means an expensive and time-consuming trial is not out of the question. 

2. Protection of a Phoenix Car Accident Attorney

Accident victims often fear the financial burden of recovery. Though completely understandable, such fears put you at a disadvantage. You need to acknowledge your role in the trial or negotiations to come. As a victim, you present a risk to others, primarily insurers. 

Most people see insurance companies as friends or at least allies. You need to understand that every insurer has two sides: advocate and business. The business side usually reigns supreme. 

Insurance companies are for-profit institutions. While a company wants to stand by its clientele, it also wants to increase profits. Your car accident can interfere with an insurer’s profits. Unfortunately, the concerns are twofold. You need to worry about both the other driver’s insurer and your own. The at-fault driver’s insurer will try to reduce liability by finding fault in your claim. Your insurer may try to reduce your coverage by doing the same, finding fault with you. 

You can become a victim two or three times over if you are not careful. Insurance companies are not your advocates, especially in an at-fault state like Arizona. Attorneys know the manipulative tactics insurers use to disarm, record and twist victim statements.  

Hiring an attorney and adhering to their advice is one of the best forms of protection. Your attorney works for you, especially when it comes to personal injury cases. PI attorneys often work on contingency, meaning they only are paid out of the settlement you receive. You know you can trust such an attorney because their livelihood depends on your reward. Additionally, attorneys have a strict professional code of ethics. Failing to adhere to this code can result in disbarment and expulsion from the legal community. The attorney-client relationship is unique; it’s an intertwined unit built on trust and support. 

3. Negotiation Skills of a Phoenix Car Accident Attorney

A Phoenix car accident attorney can negotiate on your behalf.

Car accident claims are civil actions. A civil case is between two or more parties and does not involve the breaking of criminal law. 

Many people mistake the “civil” part of the suit to mean an attorney is unnecessary. True, you are allowed to argue a civil action alone, but the statistics do not favor such tactics. People who choose the no-representation path often want to receive settlements without caveats. They do not want to pay attorney fees and trial costs out of their winnings because they cannot afford it.  

Claimants often use faulty logic to justify not hiring an attorney. Refusing to hire an attorney does not mean you will receive more money. In fact, solo claimants are less likely to receive a settlement or favorable reward. An attorney adds a level of professionalism and motivation to a claim.  

Insurance companies are more responsive and approachable when a claimant hires an attorney. Insurers know an attorney familiar with accident law will not accept unfair offers. Additionally, an experienced attorney understands the law and will not falter under legalese.  

The success of an attorney relies on their ability to communicate and negotiate. Effective communication and negotiation skills depend on knowledge and confidence.  

An accident victim can read up on laws and negotiation, but inexperience will show. Insurance companies have deep pockets, and their legal teams do not contain novices. Give yourself the best chance during settlement negotiations and hire an experienced attorney. 

4. Local and State Statute Knowledge of a Phoenix Car Accident Attorney

Technology allows accident victims to work with an attorney anywhere in the country, and some out-of-state firms have boundary-less reputations. However, while some out-of-state firms may be worth consideration, for car accident cases you are generally better served by going with a local firm.  

Every state has unique laws about personal injury claims. While an out-of-state firm can research the particular laws, having to do so creates an immediate handicap. Additionally, consider who pays for the learning curve in figurative and literal terms. You will foster the expense.  

A local attorney does not need to learn about state statutes and laws because such knowledge is already core to their practice. When a local attorney takes on your claim, they can dive right into the details rather than waste time studying up on what they need to know. 

Why pay an out-of-state attorney to learn Arizona laws? A state-located attorney understands Arizona liability and traffic laws and likely has experience arguing them. You and your claim deserve the knowledge and experience of an Arizona native.

5. Court Filing and Personal Injury Process Knowledge of a Phoenix Car Accident Attorney

A car accident claim is a personal injury claim. Personal injury cases are complex in part because each is unique. However, beyond the complexity of the claim is the complicated nature of the process

Before you file your claim, an attorney will need to assess the evidence, damages, and injuries. They will want to investigate every aspect of the accident to ensure a solid complaint. Your attorney will help you craft a demand letter following the claim assessment.  

The demand letter specifies damages and the plaintiff’s expectations. After receiving the letter, the defendant has a specific timeframe to deliver a response. The demand letter and response typically represent the initial footing for settlement negotiations. If a settlement is not possible, the case moves forward to a court trial.

Aside from assessing damages and crafting demands, your attorney keeps to the filing deadlines. Deadlines can mean the life or death of your claim. The legal system is, above all, bureaucratic, so missed deadlines are a problem. Legal professionals know the schedules for claims and can make sure your case meets them.

Additionally, your attorney will understand statutes for making personal injury claims. In Arizona, you usually have two years to file a PI claim, but there might be exceptions. Your lawyer can help you determine the right time to file your claim, ensuring the best chance for success. 

6. Damage and Injury Knowledge of a Phoenix Car Accident Attorney

Phoenix car accident attorneys have specialized knowledge.

There are many personal injury attorneys, each with their own areas of experience. You want to find an attorney familiar with car accidents and related injuries. Collision injuries span the gamut of physiological and psychological damages. Additionally, injuries in a PI case can also refer to property damages as well as medical issues. 

A personal injury attorney used to slip-and-falls can speak to personal injury law. However, they may not understand the intricacies of traffic law. They may also not understand the common traffic accident injuries you’ll face. 

Hidden injuries often accompany traffic accidents. These injuries are often masked by adrenaline processes in the body. When you experience trauma, your body enters a fight or flight mode. Adrenaline floods your system to permit escape and physical endurance. 

The fight or flight response is often essential to survival, and it does not resolve quickly. The excess adrenaline can take several days to dissipate. During that time, the hormone masks pain in your body, meaning you can go several days without knowing you have an injury. 

An experienced car accident attorney knows how the body responds to trauma. They also know what injuries are common following a car accident. Some of the more frequent hidden injuries include: 

  • Soft tissue injuries (including whiplash) 
  • Herniated disks 
  • Brain injuries 
  • Back injuries 

Relying in their experience and knowledge, an attorney can help you get the treatment you need. Additionally, a lawyer can act as a medical and legal advocate. They can help to ensure that all injury reports correctly document the source: the accident. 

7. Team and Resources of a Phoenix Car Accident Attorney

You can go with a private attorney or a law firm for legal representation in your personal injury suit. A single qualified attorney is a decent option but may have limitations. In most situations, a private attorney does not have the same resources as a firm.  

When selecting your attorney, you need to consider the complexity of your claim. If you are dealing with the aftermath of a minor fender bender, a private attorney might be more than enough. A firm is crucial when your claim has many moving parts, including multiple offenders. 

A law firm also has more resources for each attorney. You generally hire a team when signing with a firm. The team may include private investigators, legal aides, researchers, and your attorney. While it might not seem like it, the team option is more cost-effective. 

Beyond the value of hiring a law firm, you gain access to its reputation. Most insurance companies have lists of lawyers and how to deal with them. The insurance lists likely do not favor firms over individual attorneys. Therefore, a law firm may put you in a better position to negotiate. 

A Phoenix Car Accident Attorney Is the Advocate You Need

If you have been in a motor vehicle accident, consider all the reasons you should hire a Phoenix car accident attorney. Standard personal injury claims are challenging to navigate; car accidents are worse. The combination of various parties, injuries, and liability laws can make for a confusing process. A regular citizen will likely sabotage their efforts without representation. 

Do not risk your claim. Contact the offices of the Sargon Law Group and schedule a consultation. During your meeting, an attorney can discuss your options and potential strategies. Keep in mind that specifics will likely wait until you sign contracts or negotiate terms and that a consultation is not a commitment. The attorneys with Sargon Law Group are ready to take on your Arizona claim.