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7 Driver Safety Tips for Heavy Traffic Conditions in Maricopa County

The annual crash report from the Arizona Department of Transportation stated that Maricopa County experienced nearly 7,000 auto collisions in 2021. While most of those accidents only resulted in property damage, 67 resulted in death. Proactive driver safety tips and techniques may reduce the number of incidents in the county, potentially saving a life,...
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What Are Passengers Entitled To After a Bus Wreck?

While a bus accident is not as common as other motor vehicle accidents, it can have catastrophic consequences for everyone involved. Arizona is an at-fault auto accident state, meaning victims of negligent drivers have the right to pursue compensation for their losses from the party responsible for the accident. The first step is identifying...
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All About Arizona Car Seat Laws

Like every other state, Arizona has strict, enforceable car seat laws to help keep children safe in the event of a car crash. Failure to abide by those laws could result in devastating consequences if an accident occurs. If your child suffered an injury caused by a defective car seat or a negligent driver...
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Should You Consider Suing for Emotional Distress?

There are many things in life that can cause emotional distress. From work to divorce to financial struggles, emotional distress can be costly. It can also directly affect physical health, leading to long-term medical problems. This presents a serious question: Is suing for emotional distress the right choice? Can financial compensation make a difference...
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What Is a Subrogation Claim?

If you have ever received an insurance payment for damages caused in an accident, you may have received a subrogation letter from your insurance company. Though subrogation is standard practice for insurance companies, many policyholders are unfamiliar with the term and may not understand what a subrogation claim is or how it affects them....
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Paraplegic vs Quadriplegic: Understanding the Difference

There are some injuries that can change the course of a person's life, and paralysis is one of them. It is a drastic shift for a person who had full use of their body to learn to live without key abilities. When looking at paralysis, there are two main types: paraplegic vs quadriplegic. Paraplegic...
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Do You Need a Motorcycle License in Arizona?

The mild temperature in Maricopa County during the winter allows for recreational driving and activities that are not possible in other states with cooler weather. The 12-month average temperature for Maricopa County peaks at 72.1 degrees Fahrenheit, and precipitation is low during the cooler months. As thousands of Arizonans take to the road to...
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What To Know About the Arizona Lane Splitting Law

Due to recent changes in the law, Arizona is now giving motorcycle riders a little extra room when traveling down the road. Is Lane Splitting Legal in Arizona? No, lane splitting is not legal in Arizona, but lane filtering became legal in Arizona on September 24, 2022. Unlike lane splitting, where the motorcycle moves...
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6 Arizona Boating Laws To Be Aware Of

Boating is a favorite summer pastime for many Arizonans. When you're on the water, though, your safety and the safety of others depend on the smart use of boats and boating equipment. As with traffic and motor vehicle laws, Arizona has laws covering boating that define the most necessary precautions you must take. If...
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Who Has the Right of Way in a Parking Lot?

Navigating a crowded parking lot can be a frustrating and sometimes dangerous experience for drivers. Every year, tens of thousands of parking lot crashes lead to thousands of injuries and hundreds of deaths. Determining who is to blame for a parking lot accident is a complex problem and often hinges on who has the...
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