How To Prepare for a Car Accident With an Uninsured Driver
Arizona drivers are required to purchase liability insurance to legally operate a motor vehicle in the state. However, almost 12% of Arizona drivers do not comply with these mandatory insurance requirements. Additionally, about one in eight drivers nationwide do not have liability insurance. Since few vehicle owners have the financial resources to pay out...
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What Does a Car Accident Lawyer Do? Complete Guide
Auto insurance companies say they’ll resolve claims fairly and efficiently. If that’s the case, what does a car accident lawyer in Phoenix do? Do you even need legal help after an accident? There are good reasons why Sargon Law Group has multiple accolades and five-star reviews from clients. Find out how we help car...
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What Are the Common Causes of Car Accidents in Arizona?
According to data by the Arizona Department of Transportation, in a recent year, Arizona had over 98,000 vehicle crashes. The best way to prevent an accident is to be mindful of the most common causes of car accidents and avoid any of those activities while driving. 5 Most Common Causes of Car Accidents in...
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Top 7 Reasons To Work With a Phoenix Car Accident Attorney
Car accidents are traumatic events, both psychologically and physically. The damages and injuries sustained can force victims to grapple with financial hardship. Beyond potential financial strain, victims cope with mental and physical recoveries. Some injuries from collisions will never heal, resulting in permanent handicaps. A Phoenix car accident attorney can help recover compensation for...
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Can You Sue for Airbags Not Deploying?
If you receive injuries from an accident in which your airbags did not work, you may be asking, can you sue for airbags not deploying? In some cases, you may have a reason for a lawsuit, but there are various factors involved. Can You Sue for Airbags Not Deploying? The short answer is that...
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Is Leaving the Scene of an Accident a Felony?
If you have received injuries from a hit and run accident, you may wonder, is leaving the scene of an accident a felony? More than 15,000 accidents every year in Arizona are hit and run collisions, and the penalties associated with them can be severe. Is Leaving the Scene of an Accident a Felony...
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How Is Liability Determined in a Car-Bike Accident?
Bicycle accidents often lead to significant injuries and even fatalities for those involved. Information from the Arizona Department of Transportation shows that there were 1,128 bicyclist injuries and 48 bicyclist fatalities during the most recent reporting year. The vast majority of bicycle accidents reported to the state DOT resulted in an injury or a...
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Is Tailgating Illegal in Arizona?
If you were in an accident involving a vehicle following you too closely, you may wonder, is tailgating illegal? Yes. Tailgating is one form of aggressive driving, and around 80% of drivers admit to driving aggressively in the last year. Is Tailgating Illegal? Yes, it is against the law to tailgate in Arizona. Arizona statute 28-730 states...
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If Someone Rear-Ends You, Whose Insurance Do You Call?
There are many things to take care of immediately following an accident. Getting in touch with the right people after a crash is important, as many factors are involved. Contacting the insurance company expedites the claim process, and you receive guidance on how to proceed immediately after the collision. So if someone rear-ends you,...
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When Is It Worth Hiring an Attorney for a Car Accident?
One situation where it’s crucial to navigate legal matters correctly is when you’re trying to recover maximum compensation after suffering a car accident. Unfortunately, such circumstances are all too common. As proof of that, the Arizona Department of Transportation reports that, on average, someone suffers a car accident injury every 10 minutes in our...
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