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How To Prepare for a Car Accident With an Uninsured Driver

Arizona drivers are required to purchase liability insurance to legally operate a motor vehicle in the state. However, almost 12% of Arizona drivers do not comply with these mandatory insurance requirements. Additionally, about one in eight drivers nationwide do not have liability insurance. Since few vehicle owners have the financial resources to pay out...
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What Does a Car Accident Lawyer Do? Complete Guide

Auto insurance companies say they’ll resolve claims fairly and efficiently. If that’s the case, what does a car accident lawyer in Phoenix do? Do you even need legal help after an accident? There are good reasons why Sargon Law Group has multiple accolades and five-star reviews from clients. Find out how we help car...
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What Are the Common Causes of Car Accidents in Arizona?

According to data by the Arizona Department of Transportation, in a recent year, Arizona had over 98,000 vehicle crashes. The best way to prevent an accident is to be mindful of the most common causes of car accidents and avoid any of those activities while driving. 5 Most Common Causes of Car Accidents in...
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The Arizona Good Samaritan Law Explained

Who maintains responsibility for helping if a person gets hurt or experiences an emergency that requires medical care in a public place? In the media, a well-meaning doctor, nurse, or ambulance driver may arrive just in time to provide appropriate care and is hailed as the hero of the day. In real life, this...
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Do you need a brain injury lawyer?

Suffered a Traumatic Brain Injury? What a Brain Injury Lawyer Can Do for You

Suffering a traumatic brain injury (TBI) is a devastating event that negatively affects your quality of life. People receive TBIs mainly from accidents and medical errors. Head trauma often requires long-term healing or causes permanent disability. Recent statistics show that 31% of trauma patients treated by Arizona hospitals suffered a TBI. This percentage is...
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Are ATVs Street Legal in Arizona?

All-terrain vehicles have been a fun way to get around since the 1960s. However, since they are not traditional automobiles, are ATVs street legal in Arizona? The answer makes a difference. If you or a loved one gets hurt on an ATV, the liable party may try to argue that you were operating the vehicle...
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What Is a Slip and Fall Accident?

Falling on a hard surface can cause serious injury. While older people tend to lose their footing and fall more often, people of all ages can suffer life-altering concussions, spinal injuries, and bone breaks. If you've injured yourself falling, you may justifiably feel wronged. Businesses are obligated to clear ice patches, wet hallways, and other potentially...
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6 Ways To Keep Everyone Safe After a Boating Accident

According to reports, Arizona is experiencing a surge in watercraft accidents. The dangerous trend is forcing lawmakers to push for better boaters' safety education. While the state urges change, it does not alter the risks of injuries and damages from future accidents. Anyone on the water needs to acknowledge the risks and learn how...
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What To Do After an Amazon Delivery Truck Accident

It’s a daily sight for many people: an Amazon truck headed down the street, carrying plenty of online orders. For many shoppers, Amazon has become an easy choice thanks to its wide variety of items, easy ordering and quick delivery. With dozens of Amazon fulfillment centers in Arizona and so many drivers making hundreds...
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Top 7 Reasons To Work With a Phoenix Car Accident Attorney

Car accidents are traumatic events, both psychologically and physically. The damages and injuries sustained can force victims to grapple with financial hardship. Beyond potential financial strain, victims cope with mental and physical recoveries. Some injuries from collisions will never heal, resulting in permanent handicaps. A Phoenix car accident attorney can help recover compensation for...
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